NEW! Table Editor for PageStream(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-02].iso/-websites-/haage&partner/new_14.gif)
The Table Editor has 2 parts to it. A stand-alone table editor/spreadsheet is the biggest part.
There will also be an extension for existing versions of PageStream (3.3a, 3.2b, 3.1b), which will allow these
tables & graphs to be imported. If you are familiar with PageStream's multiple views, line fill & color,
scripting and recording, configurable type styles and more then you will feel right at home with the Table Editor
and know the level of control you can expect in this major addon to PageStream. |
Table Editor features include:
multiple tables open at one time
- import tab delimited text from any existing text modules into table
- multiple charts bases on a table
- common cell math. +,-,*,/, sum, avg, max, min, abs etc.
- automatic or fixed cell width and height
- cell borders and fills
- import inline graphics in cells
- date, time, number formatting
text formatting (most of PageStream's)
- font, size, type styles
- alignment, tracking
- kerning, leading
- line/fill
- full scripting
- view scale
- share defined colors with PageStream
- and more...
Charts include:
- Linked to table data
- Define text attributes
- Set segment line and fill
- Several basic chart types include:
The PageStream extension adds the ability to import/export tables/charts from the table editor.
It also the ability to send the tables/charts to the table editor. By leaving the chart or graph external, updates
can be done quicky and changes to the spreadsheet will update even the graphics automatically.
TextFX 2
(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-02].iso/-websites-/haage&partner/graphics/softlogik/textfx2.gif) |